Blood Expressionist – Legacy Series Book Two

Blood Expressionist is a mystery thriller that finds a killer delivering messages from beyond the grave through his art. The main character, Legacy, a somewhat damaged, analytical FBI agent, reluctantly leaves the safety of his basement office to catch a killer who sees the world as a canvas which he can coat with his victims’ blood. The Master imprints a code into his works of art that raise his words…Continue reading Blood Expressionist – Legacy Series Book Two


Logline: On a rescue mission to the Amazon, Dr. Jeffery Levy an anthropologist, finds himself unevenly matched against a highly evolved humanoid species that threatens to tear him and his party to pieces. Synopsis: A remarkable find deep in the Amazon jungle leads a prominent anthropologist (Dr. Morgan James) to announce that he will lead an expedition to seek out and bring back undeniable proof of the existence of the…Continue reading Shiver

Broken Vessel

If you wake the devil, you’d better have a good reason.  The hero of this action thriller knows only right and wrong and none of the layers in between. Logline: Arden Shay was once considered one of the most lethal operatives ever trained by the US military complex. For the last six years, he has been confined to a mental facility following a tragic mission that followed him home. The…Continue reading Broken Vessel

Uber and the End of Days

Logline: An Uber driver, Dale Place,  decides to go back to work in the middle of a zombie infestation. In so doing, he finds purpose and a peculiar balance between humanity and peril. Synopsis: DALE PLACE  is the last Uber driver in Los Angeles. He survived the zombie apocalypse and now drives the very few survivors to their destinations. There are times when the job is a bit of a…Continue reading Uber and the End of Days


There is an element of dark intrigue here, but the show at heart is a story of two cops who have an unprecedented record when it comes to interrogation. Logline: Two brothers separated by two years in age, are partners in the New York Police department.  They exchange, at most three words a day, but beneath the quiet exterior lies a connection that no one sees. Synopsis: Two brothers live…Continue reading Unspoken