Graceland Alaska

Logline: A band of teen musicians leave their small  town in search of a bigger, grander life. They embark upon a  wild journey where each experience is farther out on the edge until finally they come to a mythical land where music was born. Synopsis: NOCK (18), a teenage, hard rock “philosopher” living on the edge of the world  (doorway to the interior country) has a life goal that just…Continue reading Graceland Alaska


What would happen if the most influential social media app just stopped working? Logline: Two college dropouts learn an important lesson. There is a basic conflict between technology and social interaction:  the only winner of this contest is THE APP. Synopsis: Adam Foote and Al Len met at Berkley and decided to drop out of college “just like Steve Jobs did” so that they would be young enough to make…Continue reading The APP

The Sound and the Furry

Logline: A 10-year-old boy, Trevor,  stymied between a neurotic mother and inattentive father, feels lost at home until he discovers a magic spell that causes his feuding parents to trade places with his equally feuding family cats.  An emotional journey ensues that tests family bonds, rekindles the magic of love and makes us stop and listen to the “sound and the furry.” Synopsis: Trevor, 10, is a quiet boy who…Continue reading The Sound and the Furry

The Outsider’s Inn (AKA “The Bawbag”)

The most common soul turns out to be a royal with pockets deeper than the Clyde Sea. Logline: An American lawyer, Robert Green (23) gets his first case and travels abroad in an attempt to carry out the last wishes of an eccentric deceased pub regular. The close-knit pub becomes a place of contentious chaos when the regulars find out he had a trust fund worth 30 million euros. Synopsis: ROBERT GREEN is about…Continue reading The Outsider’s Inn (AKA “The Bawbag”)

Influence, Nevada

Logline During her senior year, a misfit girl Rissa who isn’t entirely sure she isn’t a doll, sets out to hoodwink the establishment and simultaneously destroy another student (her nemesis) What aspect of her character will prevail? Maybe she is more authentic than the people around her after all. Synopsis CLARISSA STEELE (16), more commonly known as Rissa, is a socially rebellious teenager living in Influence, Nevada. Every day she…Continue reading Influence, Nevada